Republic Act 7394

Extrinsic evidence must additional be offered to establish bias, unhealthy religion, malice or corrupt purpose. As a constitutional body vested with the ability and broad latitude in screening and deciding on candidates to the Judiciary, the JBC is greater than entitled to the presumption of regularity in the performance of its constitutional responsibility. Its dedication as to respondent's possession of all of the qualifications and eligibilities for appointment to this Court must accordingly be accorded with respect; it cannot be capriciously set aside without even impleading the council and allowing it to justify its action - A verified petition for quo warranto contesting the election of the President or Vice-President on the ground of ineligibility or disloyalty to the Republic of the Philippines could also be filed by any registered voter who has voted in the election concerned within ten days after the proclamation of the winner. A one that usurps, intrudes into, or unlawfully holds or workout routines a public office, place or franchise. Any public officer violating any of the provisions of Section 7 of this Act shall be punished by a fantastic of not lower than one thousand pesos nor more than 5 thousand pesos, or by imprisonment not exceeding one 12 months and 6 months, or by each such fine and imprisonment, at the discretion of the Court.

In so doing, the JBC workout routines an inherent coverage function and perforce, the therapy and application of said requirement - being a concrete embodiment of the JBC's interpretation - should be deemed as "political questions," which as earlier stated, are usually non­-justiciable, until tainted with grave abuse of discretion. From this attitude, there clearly exists an overlap between impeachment and quo warranto when the ground pertains to the public officer's ineligibility. If illustrated, quo warranto can be the small circle fully enclosed inside the bigger impeachment circle, their frequent element being the impeachable officer's ineligibility, whether or not continuing or not. Indeed, this is exactly the state of affairs for the respondent.

Official Gazette Of The Republic Of The Philippines

When, nevertheless, the respondent has made out a prima facie right to the office, it's only at that time that the burden of evidence shifts to the State. This provision requires all public officers and employees, no matter rank, to declare their property and liabilities upon their assumption of office, as could also be required by law. However, it likewise imposes positive duty and heavier onus on the President; the Vice-­President; and members of the Cabinet, Congress, the Supreme Court, Constitutional Commissions and other Constitutional offices and officers of the Armed Forces with general or flag ranks to publicly disclose their property and liabilities. Foremost is the precept that public workplace is by virtue of the peoples mandate to train a sovereign operate of the government. Appended to the constitutional principle that public workplace is a public belief is the tenet that public officers occupy very delicate positions that exact sure standards generally not demanded from or required of strange residents.

  • The treatment lies in the present review mechanisms provided by the Constitution as a part of the system of checks and stability.
  • Evidence of Integrity - The council shall take every potential step to verify the candidates data and of status for honesty, integrity, incorruptibility, irreproachable conduct and fidelity to sound moral and ethical standards.

Logically speaking, the presence or absence of any of these goal skills may be readily established based mostly on the proof submitted by the parties. Thus, while it is true that the JBC might prescribe the sort of doc needed to prove the presence of an objective qualification (i.e., a delivery certificates, personal data sheet , or the like), the determination thereof should be made with none prior want of interpretation. Put differently, even with out the JBC's requirement to submit SALNs as a half of her application as Chief Justice, Respondent had the positive legal obligation to religiously file her SALNs and her failure to take action marred her integrity, rendering her unqualified for appointment in the Judiciary. Thus, the JBC has to concretize these skills into operable standards, through demandable submissions and institutional checks; in any other case, their willpower can be - as abovementioned - highly-subjective and more so, inexecutable because of their obscurity. The ponencia also fails to clarify the inconsistent and absurd penalties of a ruling allowing quo warranto petitions in opposition to appointive impeachable officers. The actuality is that the SolGen is a presidential appointee who serves on the pleasure of the President.

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When Martial Law was declared, the Moro National Liberation Front was instantly mobilized. Formed by college students and politicians from Mindanao, its goal was to create the Bangsa Moro Republik , composed of Mindanao, Sulu, and Palawan. The Armed Forces of the Philippines attempted to grab their “illegal” firearms supplied by Libya, sparking a war that lasted from 1973 to 1977. At the second the parties take and declare each other as husband and wife earlier than officiating officer. Yes, since members of the identical family, as events to the suit, are required to exert earnest efforts to settle their disputes before coming to courtroom. Yes, as a result of the waiver is prejudicial to the interest of a third person whose interest is acknowledged by legislation.

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Further compounding respondent's woes is the established and undisputed proven truth that she failed to submit the required number of SALNs in violation of the rules set by the JBC itself in the course of the process of nomination. J) It is opposite to human expertise that the SALNs purportedly recovered by respondent's husband weren't stamped obtained by the UP HRDO. It is unusual that respondent didn't trouble to demand that her personal copy be duly stamped obtained with particulars as to the date and initial, at least of the party who acquired the same as proof that she timely filed her SALN. Further, the failure to file truthful SALN not solely puts unsure the integrity of the officer, but such failure to file a truthful, complete and accurate SALN would likewise amount to dishonesty if the identical is attended by malicious intent to conceal the truth or to make false statements.