I would love some empathy, even some sympathy, but I never want pity

I was diagnosed a year and a half ago with relapsing remitting, I had been suffering from weird symptoms for years. I suffered pain through my body, random numbness, bladder incont. As well as extreme exhaustion. Everyone looks at me and has actually said "you look fine " my example is today . I work as a nurse. It took all I had to get out of bed. Pain everywhere. Like the flu. Every muscle, every joint and I felt drugged I was so fatigued. My day consisted of fake smiles and how do you dos as I silently want to scream I hurt so bad. My hips hurt my legs feel like jello and wobbly. I almost loose it because I hurt so bad. Random cramping all over my body that last 5-10 seconds and moves to the next location. I want to scream at people when they say " you look fine, you can't be hurting that bad" the summer heat is just killing me. Symptoms are worse and people can't understand I can't hang out at the lake or bbq all day.. I start to slur my words, my legs get all weird and want to go different directions I can barely stay functional with the wave of fatigue that hits. Yes I can understand your feelings. It's so hard for us

Matt that is BRILLIANT. Like you I can find all the words in the world when I am typing on here or via emails and Facebook yet I can't explain all the disabling symptoms of MS when someone asks me, I just go blank or stumble to explain the different ways it takes affect. Read more